Saturday, August 22, 2009

Google Adsense Alternatives

Although Google ad sense is the best for putting up ads and earning revenue, but all don't get accepted due to a number of reasons, then what do u do? you don't have to worry thinking all your time has gone to waste in creating the blog.... Hell no it hasn't there are many alternatives...
Here are the top alternatives you could use....

1. AdBrite

According to me the best possible alternative to google adsense is adbrite. Although they dont have the wide range of ad formats as google adsense or clicksor, but they make it up with their more relaxed terms and conditions (they even accept blogs and bloggers as sites if you are fed up with other programs turning you down). As far as i'm concerned thats a big plus point.

Some of the other features include the ability to select the ads in your website if you are particular else you could set it to auto approve the ads. Then there is the inline ads which has a great click through ratio. The revenue sharing is 75% which is not too bad.

2. Clicksor

Clicksor has a lot of ad formats just like google adsense and it would have been the best possible alternative if not for the joining restrictions. Well they don't support small bloggers, because they require the site to have 5,000 page views per day or 150000 page views per month and this criteria can be made possible with more of the well established sites. The revenue sharing is highest 85%, compared to all that's what makes it the best alternative. Although Clicksor has the joining restriction but when it comes to other terms and conditions its more flexible than google adsense.

When it comes to payment you have two options either you can request it in the form of a check or through paypal. When requesting through check the minimum pay out is $50 while requesting through paypal the minimum payout drops to $20. The payout is made every 15 days if your account balance is below the minimum payout it will be carried forward until the next payout.

3. Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser has a number of ad formats it even lets you design your own ad format. You can also block unwanted ads in order to better the outlook of your website or blog.

Even with Bidvertiser when it comes to payment you have two options either you can request it in the form of a check or through paypal. The only diffrence is that the minimum payout is much lesser. When requesting through check the minimum pay out is $25 while requesting through paypal the minimum payout drops to $10.

Join Bidvertiser as a publisher and start earning...

Join Bidvertiser as a advertiser and get $20 in free clicks

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