Thursday, August 13, 2009

Money from Blogging

Yup!!! blogging is a very good way of making money, I'm pretty sure of it. Well i actually am doing it right now with this very blog... Some of you probably must have figured it out, while the few of you who haven't I'm going to let you in on how I'm doing it, cause believe me it ain't no big secret... Its pretty simple, just follow the steps below to make money (remember these are just guide lines you could find a more easier way to do it all)...

Step1: Make a e-mail account in gmail if you don't have one or if you not planning to use you existing one. Because this will help you in the preceding steps.

Step 2: Make a blog account in Blogger it is the best blogging website because of its simplicity and you can use your gmail ID which you have created or the existing one to speeding up the sign up process.

Step 3: Now comes the part where you have to be creative, You have to create content for your blog and trust me it can take time if you haven't thought about it. Also please make sure content is original and interesting not only to you but the intended readers. Make sure there are at least two solid posts which has original content and wait for around two days, only then move on to the next step.

Step 4: Now the crucial part, you have to sign up for a google adsense account. Here also your gmail ID comes in handy for speeding up the sign up process. Once you sign up you will have to give you blog address so that they can review your blog. If they find that your blog meets the required criteria they will accept your application and then you can start to post advertisements on you blog and once people visit your blog and click these ads you will start to earn $$$. But make sue you don't click the ads yourself because google has a very good tracking system.
Now suppose your adsense request gets denied, only then go to next step

Step 5: Well don't despair all your time has gone to waste, since google has rejected your application. There are alternatives although they are not as good as google adsense but they are fairly good. All you got to do is sign up for one of the below top 5 alternatives

1. AdBrite
2. Clicksor
3. Bidvertiser
4. Chitika
5. AdToll

Please note more details of these alternatives will be given in my future posts.

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