Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to list your website?

For the beginners who have created their blog and started monetizing on it don't think its just done with the few steps I'd given below... Hell no it hasn't, that's just the tip of the ice berg because by now or at some point when you type your blog in google you will not find it listed.... Then what do you do??? Don't tell me your satisfied by sending out your website to all your friends out there and prompting them to click on the ads. Trust me it doesn't work that way. Also its going to take a hell lot of time and ultimately you may even loose your adsense account or the alternate for fraudulent clicking. In some cases you could even go behind bars for the fraudulent clicking.

Now lets move on to some tips on how to get your site listed on google...

Tip 1: Once your site or blog has been completed you can add your site on google by just filling out the add url form at Instructions are given in the picture below on how to fill the form.

Tip2: Another way to be listed is by getting other websites to link to yours this will also raise your page rank too. More about page ranking will be discussed in my future posts. How it works is when Google’s robots or spiders, known as Googlebot, crawl the web, they should run across your site within a month or so.

Tip3: How do you get other sites to link onto yours? well that is kind of interesting topic because there are many ways you could do it. First of all you could ask some of your friends who is already having a well established site. But the key is to have interesting content which is relevant. Also keep updating and adding new content. Then you could even suggest other bloggers or websites to link to you. You could even do a trade like if he links yours you could link his to your site.

***** TIP: So far I only discussed about the google search engine... what about other search engines? Well there is a way in which you can hit many targets with one stone, so to speak.

The answer is the Open Directory Project.... By using this your site will be listed on partner sites which use the open directory data, such as AOL Search, Google, Netscape, Yahoo Search and hundreds of other sites. Once your site or blog has been completed you can add your site on

One of the major point to be keep in mind, you have to identify the single best category for the site and then you can go ahead with the suggest URL. In order for the site to be accepted it may take a duration of two weeks to several months for the site to be listed in the partner sites.

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